The Latest Book Meme

Scalzi is feeling testy today, as you can see in this book meme he’s cooked up:

1. Open the book you’re currently reading to page 133.
2. Read the fourth line on the page.
3. Put the book back where it had been resting.
4. Tell no one of what it was you just did.
5. Think of five friends to tag with this meme.
6. Do not actually tag them. They are busy and have lives.
7. Go about your life as if nothing has happened.
8. Carry the secret of this meme to your grave.

So did I perform this particular meme? No one will ever know…


2 comments on “The Latest Book Meme

  1. The Girlfriend

    Knowing how testy you can get yourseld, I’d vote for “no”. 🙂

  2. jason

    Me? Testy?