What’s in Your Faucet?

Well, here’s a small feather in my home town’s cap: a pair of wine tasters have declared that Salt Lake’s tap water tastes best out of the 12 cities whose water they tested for a recent segment on The Today Show. The other cities they considered include Portland (Oregon, I assume, since this list seems to work its way east), San Francisco, Dallas, St. Louis, Phoenix, Chicago, Cleveland, Memphis, Boston, Miami and Columbia, South Carolina.

While I’m not about to dispute any positive press that comes this way — we Utahns have to put up with a whole lot of jokes and snide remarks about our fair state and our, ahem, unique local culture — I would like to know specifically where in the Salt Lake area the sample came from. It certainly wasn’t from my neighborhood, where the water is so hard that you can watch the mineral deposits swirl in a freshly drawn glass. Mmmmm, tasty! And chewy!


3 comments on “What’s in Your Faucet?

  1. chenopup

    I will have to second that poll that we have some pretty good tap water. With the bi-annual stirring of the watersheds and the algae taste that trickles into our tap about 2 weeks out of the year, I’ve resorted to either the Britta filtered pitcher or bottled water though (I hope Rocky Anderson doesn’t find out!)
    Of course Riverton and South Jordan water is horrible tasting, not as bad though as the well water I made some kool-aid in back in Indiana. You could literally see the silt in the water not to mention feel it in your gut a few minutes after consumption.

  2. jason

    Well, that just sounds… yummy… remind me not to drink the water in Indiana.

  3. chenopup

    remember the first time you got rolled over by a wave in the ocean and ended up with a mouth full of sand? Chances are you’ve already had the experience 🙂