Sniper Cat!

I swiped this image from Danger Room. Why? I dunno… I just thought it was funny. Consider it my contribution to that lolcat thing that’s been sweeping the interwebs lately.

Take him out, now!

(If anyone would like to come up with a suitably bizarre and/or funny caption for this in order to make it a true lolcat, by all means, be my guest.)


2 comments on “Sniper Cat!

  1. Cranky Robert

    The Three Loyal Readers have asked you here today because we care about you and we want to help you. You have a problem. First, there was the way you caved into our bullying demand for more Star Wars internet crap–not that we’re saying we don’t want to see more crap. Come to think of it, more crap would be good . . . More crap! More crap! More crap!
    But this isn’t about my addiction. It’s about yours.
    You think this cat shooting a rifle in the snow picture is funny. You think it doesn’t hurt anyone. And, well, you’re right, actually. Cute, too. He’s kind of fuzzy and . . . More crap! More crap!
    Well, I think we can all see the effect that this has had. (Meow.) Get help. (Bang! Bang!) For Pete’s sake. (Hiss! More crap!) Before it’s too late!

  2. jason

    It is already too late, I fear… mwa ha ha ha ha ha!