Justice Stumbles, But Recovers

Hey, kids, hope you haven’t missed me too badly during my brief absence from the blogosphere. I’ve just returned from three days of visiting friends in Sin City. Report to follow, but in the meantime, I offer this visual commentary on the news I missed while I was driving across the Jundland Wastes, er, Nevada:

Yeah, that’s the ticket. I was fulminating up a good blog-rant last week about this spoiled little twit’s release on account of an “unspecified medical condition” (Whiny Bitch Syndrome would be my guess), but I got distracted by real-life issues and didn’t get to it. The short version is that I was utterly disgusted by the whole deal, that I have no doubt a poor or middle-class person guilty of the exact same crimes wouldn’t have gotten out of the pokey even a microsecond early, that her “home confinement” — how awful, trapped in a mansion 30 times the size of the average person’s modest shack! — is emblematic of this country’s on-going class war that many people deny exists, and that she should quit her snivelling and just serve her sentence like any other (non-wealthy) citizen would be required to do. I have nothing but contempt for children of privelege who’ve had the world handed to them on a platter and find it all boring, who contribute nothing to society and arguably harm society with their antics, who are famous for no good reason that I can see, and who expect all us commoners to kiss their lily-white (and they are always white, aren’t they?) asses because they were lucky enough to be born with a particular surname. So, needless to say, I was thrilled when public outcry smacked her and the idiot judge who let her out in the head. It’s so nice to see the public actually showing some outrage about something, given how little seems to faze us anymore.

Incidentally, if you don’t understand the idiom of the picture above, check out the definition of “LOLcat” followed by the pre-eminent distributor of same. I don’t know why I find these silly things so amusing, considering that I barely understand most leetspeak, but I do… probably because something about cats’ faces lend themselves so well to being made fun of. It’s the perpetual air of offended dignity, I think.

In Paris’ case, it’s funny because of her utter lack of dignity…


6 comments on “Justice Stumbles, But Recovers

  1. Stephanie Mednick

    Yea, I personally think it’s called Bullsh*t syndrome? I think that’s a perfect name for it. I cannot stand this girl. Now she’s saying she wants to turn around and make a difference. BS!!!!! My daughter looks up to this hag and I can’t stand it. I keep telling her this girl is a loser, but because of her money and looks these teen girls look up to her! In my opinion this beast needs to sit down, shut up, be rich, and look pretty. Quit trying to get into the spotlight with her unintelligent, ignorant butt!!!

  2. jason

    Steph, I’m sorry to hear that AshLee admires this silly cow in any way. That’s got to be really worrying for you, and exactly the sort of thing I was thinking of when I said spoiled brats like Paris and her friends are harming society. I guess kids today don’t have the wherewithal to see a vacuous slut for what she really is; they’re blinded by the money. It’s got to be the money, because she certainly isn’t witty or charismatic, and she isn’t even that pretty.
    Ever see the South Park episode that featured Paris? She came to town to open a store called “Stupid, Spoiled Whore,” and all the girls in town wanted to shop there and become stupid, spoiled whores just like her. The funniest scene was when her chihuahua committed suicide rather than spend any more time with her… and then you found out that all her previous pets had done the same.

  3. Brian Greenberg

    Jason/Stephanie: My sentiments exactly.
    Although I will point out a(nother) delicious irony here: now that Paris has been thrown back in jail where she belongs, those “poor or middle-class person guilty of the exact same crimes” who were being so wronged by “the system” are lawyering up (paid for by their media-loving activist group of choice) and suing the Sherrif’s department.
    It seems that in today’s day & age, you can game the system to your advantage as long as you have someone’s attention – whether you’re a “spoiled little twit” or not…

  4. jason

    Brian, just to be clear, I don’t think poor or middle-class prisoners have necessarily been mistreated by the system. My point was that people like Paris get special treatment because of their wealth, and that disgusts me. But then you probably understood that and I’m misinterpreting your comment. I tend to do that… 🙂
    Either way, I agree with you that we’re living in a time when common sense often seems to have gone out the window, at least if there’s a camera in the vicinity…

  5. Brian Greenberg

    Jason – I think we’re saying the same thing. Paris got special treatment and that’s disgusting.
    What I’m adding is the observation that as disgusting as it is, now that it’s happened, there are groups out there demanding the same “special treatment” for their constituent prisoners. Even though the judge rather harshly reversed the undeserved break that Paris got, these folks are not so disgusted as to prevent them from trying to get that same break for someone else…
    For these folks, two wrongs evidently do make a right…

  6. jason

    Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, you’re right, that’s ridiculous. I hate to boil it down to a right-wing catchphrase, but if you do the crime, you need to do your time. Especially in a small-potatoes kind of situation like Paris’. Forty-five days isn’t like a life sentence…